Sunday, March 12, 2023

Tasting- Villa Jolanda "I Love You"

Name: I Love You

Variety: Moscato

Region: Vino d'Italia

Country: Italy

Vintage: 2022

Price: $14.95

Winery Review

"A nose of toasted almonds. Dry, smooth, easy to drink with flavors of honey and acacia. Perfect to drink with your Valentine at the pool or on the boat with salads with pine nuts, and almond croissant." 

-Atelier Monnier from Vivino

Wine Folly

Wine Folly describes this variety as, "an ancient aromatic white variety available in all styles from dry to sweet" (page 138). Common flavor notes include the following: orange blossom, pear, honeysuckle, lemon, and mandarin orange (page 138). I feel like the common characteristics of the profile are pretty accurate to this bottle. I was able to sense the sweetness from honeysuckle, the citric acid from the orange and lemon, and the slight floral notes from the orange blossom. Although I thought the wine was more in line with an apple flavor than pear, I feel like Wine Folly provides a pretty encompassing description of the wine.

My Review

I bought this bottle weeks ago because I really liked the bottle. I know that is a terrible way to pick a wine, but it was the most beautiful bottle I have ever seen. Perhaps I thought this bottle would land me a boyfriend, but another year another valentine-less life. Oh well, at least this was a pleasant bottle to share alone. 

Another thing that drew me to the bottle was the fact it only comes around in February. I think it's interesting to create a wine only for a specific holiday. I feel like, however, the viniculturists were able to capture the essential elements of Valentines through taste. The wine was crisp, bubbly, yet balanced by how dry it is. It was appley and floral on the nose, but I felt like the flavor was mostly composed of lemons, peaches, and minerals. When drinking it, the flavor lit up the sides of my tongue in the most delightful manner. Finishing up with a punch of spritzy bubbles, I found this to be a great bottle to enjoy by itself. The depth- compared to some of the other wines I have had this semester, is not as profound. I feel like it is merely an enjoyable drink that gives you butterflies in your stomach, almost like a date on Valentines. 

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Tasting - Villa Alena Moscato D'Asti

Name: Villa Alena Moscato D'Asti Variety: Moscato Region: Piemonte Country: Italy Vintage: 2022 Price: $8.99 Winery Review "Wh...